viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013


Dear pupils, 

Yesterday the 1st grade's pupils celebrated a bilingual meeting here in Alcalá. As you know, there are two bilingual schools in the town: the Beaterio and the Juan Armario school. It was fantastic!

We were in the Beaterio school with the children from 1st grade. We were playing English games. They were very fun, so all the pupils enjoyed a lot.

Here you can see the pupils playing:

We could rest having a good breakfast:

We finish the bilingual meeting with a very fun song: Hockey Cockey! Look at the children dancing:

Finally, the teachers gave to the pupils a beautiful certificate of participation in this excellent BILINGUAL SCHOOLS MEETING. The children also reveived some little presents! Look at the photos:

That's all for now! See you :)

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